akavel's digital garden

Some thoughts for “overcoming the hump” in solo RPGs: ☛ “Less is more.” (via) Basically, I interpret it as to consider reducing the notes, minimizing the bullet points, to reduce the ratio of writing vs. imagination and memory, and to reduce the weight of the notes. Also: ☛ “a 3:1 ratio [time limit:] I give myself 3 hours to stare at one spot on the wall and do absolutely nothing ‘or’ 1 hour of play time. No looking around the room, no letting your mind wander, just focus on the spot. Let your mind blank out. Don’t think about all the other things you could be doing right now, if something comes into your mind, push it out and focus on the spot. The only thing you are allowed to think is: I can stare at this spot on the wall or I can play. During this time you won’t allow yourself to feel bad about doing nothing. If you do nothing the whole three hours and don’t play at all, that is ok. You’re not going to feel bad about it. Allow yourself to be bored. It usually takes me between 5 & 10 minutes of doing nothing before I start to play and have a wonderful time. I also find that I spend way more time playing than the 1 hour ratio limit I impose on myself.” (via) Also: ☛ “Play one-shots [ - ] that’s good enough. [None of my short nor long stories] started with the idea of a grand campaign.” (via)

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